Ministerio de Comida para los Necesitados
La comida que se trae durante la Misa se retira del altar y se coloca en un área de almacenamiento para entregarla a Holy Name & NAM.
Blood Drive
Involves helping with the quarterly blood drives.
Casa Juan Diego/Casa Maria
Casa Juan Diego is the Catholic Worker House and Casa Maria is the clinic that provides a safe refuge, as well as medical assistance to immigrant men, women & children - help needed to distribute food & clothing.
CGS AIDS Resource Ministry
AIDS resource ministry (CGS Social Ministry department - information only)
Catholic Charities @ 713.874.6624
Holy Name (Sister Parish)
Ministry builds bridges to connect our parish & Holy Name parish. Food ministry collects food from 3 masses each weekend & delivers it to Holy Name.
Homebound Visitation/Eucharistic Ministry for Shut-Ins
Ministry takes Eucharist to the homebound. To make arrangements for communion please call the Parish Office at (281)-376-6831.
Northwest Assistance Ministry
Interfaith coalition provides humanitarian services in Northwest Harris County; volunteers needed to help with various programs offered in the community.
Main Phone Number 281.885.4555
Prayer Blanket Ministry
Ministry makes prayer blankets for people who need comfort & to be covered in prayer.
Shepherd's Garden
Garden across from CGS where teams of garden ministers’ plant, weed, harvest & distribute food to our brothers & sisters at Holy Name, Casa Juan Diego & our community in need.
Social Services
Ministry works with individuals & families in crisis involves good listening skills, communication with families & agencies & includes networking with other churches on behalf of the family in crisis. Community resource training provided.
The Gathering Place
Ministry serves families dealing with mild to moderate dementia & Alzheimer's. Monthly program seeks to help both caregiver & care partner with needed respite care - providing activities that include festive themes, music, games, simple chair exercises, guest performers & a light lunch.
Second Family
Ministry provides support for the homebound who need assistance with shopping and running errands.